Comments for Goddess Goals Priestess of Wild Freedom Sun, 05 May 2024 20:15:22 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Video – Rage Release by GoddessCindy Sun, 05 May 2024 20:15:22 +0000 I really like and felt the practice of pounding liver/spleen, then heart area, then breathing OUT! That felt good!

Comment on Find Your Solar Plexus & Breathe Into It by GoddessCindy Fri, 19 Apr 2024 00:47:18 +0000 Ooo, I love the 2nd visualization in the exercise files so much! Visualizing my inner divine masculine and how he treats my inner child and inner feminine selves. How he looks and acts and what he eats! 🙂 I found so many things that I never would have dreamed! It was all very different that what my mind would have thought or imagined. And very enlightening, supportive, heart-enlarging, hopeful and wonderful! Great activity! Ty.

Comment on Video – My Intention for Week 4 by GoddessCindy Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:56:34 +0000 I love how your kitty is following your hands as they move around when you speak. 🙂 <3

Comment on Goddess Guide: Hathor by GoddessCindy Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:05:20 +0000 This is an amazing youtube video connected with Hathor:

Comment on Video – Womb Breathing by GoddessCindy Thu, 11 Apr 2024 22:47:44 +0000 Thank you, Meaghan <3

Comment on Finding Safety in Your Body Again by GoddessCindy Wed, 10 Apr 2024 08:35:57 +0000 One experience I’ve had this week is feeling less beholden and concerned with what the people at work think, expect or feel about me. It feels good, freeing. Yesterday, I literally felt the energy of holding their expectations of me in my body, release and fall away. It was a tightness that I was holding onto in my body so that I could try and do everything “right” so they wouldn’t reject, criticize or belittle me. This came from childhood when the men in power would do this systematically to everyone around them.
Whew, it felt so good to let that tightness and control over my Self, fall to the floor and into the Earth! I did a little happy dance right there. 🙂

Comment on Finding Safety in Your Body Again by GoddessCindy Wed, 10 Apr 2024 08:30:54 +0000 In reply to GoddessCindy.

Haha, I don’t think I actually ever asked a question. Just shared a story. But my thought pattern started with a question. 🙂 Was your message the same as the experience I had a few months ago. Do they line up?

Comment on Finding Safety in Your Body Again by GoddessCindy Wed, 10 Apr 2024 08:28:52 +0000 Hi, I have a questions about what you talked about this week in our group meeting. The message about that our being here isn’t about figuring out why things are the way they are, but it’s to transmute the energy into something better and to help create a better world. At least, that’s how I understood the message.
So, my question is that a few months ago, I got kind of a similar message and experience that was transmuting other’s emotions through my body and into the Earth. I had been becoming aware of other’s emotions vs my own emotions, and that is how I started to “clear” myself of other’s emotions. This was to release them into the Earth (because it was disturbing to just carry other’s emotions around with me all of the time. And I had been doing this for YEARS without knowing it).
So, I had started a nightly practice of clearing myself of others energies and emotions and as they fell off me, it helped me to become clear of what my actual emotions were. It helped me differentiate between the two. So during one of these times, I felt the universe or someone else ask me if I would do this for the world. Would I transmute the “negative” or painful emotions from around the world through my being and into the Earth? And I said yes. Then I did it for a couple of evenings. I felt very on purpose and fulfilled when I did this. But it was also very challenging to feel all of those emotions as they passed through. I didn’t like it and it felt like too much and I didn’t want to do it anymore. So I stopped.
When you talked about our purpose here, it resonated with that experience that I had. I realize that I have been doing everything I could to AVOID feeling emotions since 2020.
Another point that is connected to this is when you talked about your fear of Mother Gaia getting tired of putting up with all of the people taking from her. The way you described your imagining of how she might feel and what she might decide, correlated exactly with the way I felt in 2020. My family was splitting up, with my 2 older daughters moving away to college/jobs. My 2 younger daughters were not co-dependent with me (which I now understand was great, but at the time, left me feeling empty). My then husband was sucking the life out of me. I had created a world where I was the provider for everyone except myself. And my younger daughters were not grateful or kind to me.
Also, when George Floyd was killed like that, my whole reality of humanity was smooshed to pieces. That wrecked my worldview and everything fell apart.
My “giving” nature was based on co-dependency and I didn’t know that. But when it all fell apart, I had nothing left to give anyone. Like, I could see that my “giving” was really to gain. It wasn’t coming from the right place in me. I had to be rebuilt.
So, during the past several years, avoiding emotions has been one things that I have practiced. One, they hurt too much. Two, I couldn’t distinguish between mine and others’, and that was fuckin overwhelming all of the time! Third, I didn’t know that I could give them to the Earth and she would make something divine out of them. Fourth, I am now learning that removing resistance to them is the best way to let them flow through and not stop inside my flow and stay stuck there inside my bodies (physical, energetic, etc.)
So, I feel like what you talked about this week was a re-call and reminder to what I could or can be doing in my life. And I have accepted the “call”. I used to serve Jesus and what I felt to be “God”. That was before George Floyd. During the past 4 years, I served no one, but was being dissolved and reformed like the caterpillar to the butterfly. And now, I feel drawn to “serve” the Goddesses. Because I trust them, I feel their love and support and strength flowing into me, I feel clear guidance from them. I also get the message, now and a few months ago when this “call” first came, that they WILL take care of all my needs as I serve them, which means serving humanity in the way they lead us to.
I appreciate having this forum to share this because I wanted to call you last night or write a text message, but it was too late. And now I’m up in the middle of the night and it feels really good to write it all down and share in a way that can be read when the time works for you to read it. <3
Thank you so much for everything you are doing. Your example of "feeling" and letting the emotions come through, and the sacred message you shared in group meeting really shifted my paradigm in a way I needed it to be shifted.

Comment on Video – Inner Warrior Activation Gland Tapping & Lymphatic System Awakening by GoddessChelsea Tue, 09 Apr 2024 17:33:52 +0000 This video was so good! Such good vibes. Thank you, Meaghan.

Comment on Video – My Intention for Week 1 by GoddessChelsea Sun, 07 Apr 2024 03:22:11 +0000 In reply to GoddessCindy.

Sorry Cindy, didn’t see I replied to you instead of starting my own thread so I posted twice! Idk how to delete comments yet!

So I just read your comment and girl I feel you! When I release I NEED TO BE IN A SAFE PLACE! CAR IS BEST. or mom’s house when she’s not home lol.
